

This blog is probably dead now, haven't updated in months and months.
oh well.

see you next time I remember - if ever.


My source games Broke... again.

Well, about a year ago my vista profile suddenly could not support source textures. so after a month of answer looking, I gave up and abandon in. Same thing happend in my 'new' profile. Today I said to myself fix it. 5 minuets later, and I had. Left 4 dead gave this:

Which leads here. A magical super fix, per-say. 5 minuets is all it took, and I can play Team fortress 2, Garrysmod, and so on (of course left 4 dead). Woo.

it looked like this:

Well If you had this kind of problom, up there is a fix (Oo! heres one too!). thats it, goodnight all.

ps: more Garrysmod videos should be expected.


Mynecraft alpha save

Minecraft alpha's free trial may be gone, but I remember...

...I remember...

Well now that was crap, please take no note of it.


500 Yeah!

Got 500 veiws, I shall make... something in honer of this!

Minecraft Manors!

Well, Cerenok and I visited this server, in Minecraft, and realy headed off in our own illustrious wealthy area, on one side of the river.... while all but a few were on the other side.

My manor is up first, and Cerenoks I dident fully photograph, as it was greifed.
Poor cere...
Oh well!


400 Hits!

I have made it to 400. another milestone for me;



Just noticed, 404. Heh heh.

Minecraft Classic + Mineaft survival (both free) =...

My minecraft antics!

You can try this in the free survival test.


Alein swarm help

Alien Swarm probloms!

This is the only good free and quick picture hosting site I know, so disregard this unless you can help!


Minecraft! My Multyplayer Appartment!

I made this, and was kindley granted builder rank, on this Minecraft server.

If you can, set up a Minecraft account. It's great fun, Even better buy the alpha! I havent, but hope to. It has many advantages over Classic mode, exept it has no multyplayer as of yet.

      Enjoy block fun.


Oh and World of warcraft, I need to find the manual befor I can play, and I'm unsure about the seven free days, that I assume had an unshown expire date. Oh well, i'll find a way to play.


World Of Warcraft!

A freind of mine, name witheld, has FINALY been granted the privlage of having internet coverage in his area. One thing he likes, lots of people (over the internet not realy as much for real) and another, Fantasy games. Hand in hand they make, World of Warcraft. Which I have but havent played in a year and a half. So, I got 7 days free, courtisy of Blizzard, and we can now play together. I'll post images of our characters asap, but first I need to wait for it to install the updates...

...Oh dear...

...its 21:53 here...

Also, the fact my freind now has the internet, is why I finaly got back in the saddle with my blog. I hope I don't 'fall off' again.

So wish me luck (in the comment section please) That I will keep up this updating!

I'll leave off with this... (Ps. To everyone try not to use real names, I have High hopes for this blog, if I can deliver.)

It takes the human eyes an hour to adapt completely to seeing in the dark. Once adapted, however, the eyes are about 100,000 times more sensitive to light than they are in bright sunlight.


Minecraft, a very good cheap\free game for your 'in browser' entertainment needs.

I though am not very good at recreating structures, such as Big Ben:

Waddoyou think?

Its bad.

I know it is.

Structure Ideas? or all round negitive feedback? please leave a comment. Bring my comment count to two wouldya?



I Found Morrowind cheap in a PC world yesterday (16th August) and got straight into playing!

This is me a little over 20 minutes in.

It was very confusing for a little bit, until I set the controles the way I use in Fallout 3.

I quite like the night sky. Nicer than most, well to me.

And there are many creatures I don't recognise from Oblivion, here is one that caught itself on a fence, and was quicker to eliminate.

Then mods were introduced.

I must have instaled them incorrectly, as the game splinterd and crashed at every oppertunity.

So I had to re-install

Somehow, the uninstall did'ent work. Yay.

I had to manualy un-install the game, removing my data, so that I could install a working version.

Now, 3 profile restars later, I can actualy play.

If only I knew what to do...

300 Blog veiws!

I finaly have 300 veiws.

a This Is Sparta! Joke is below me.

Whoever it was veiwing my blog, Thank you.


Blog post number, WORRIES!

Fixed the picture quality!

Well, I noticed this:

I saw this!
12 in all 2009!


Re: hit counter milestone!

Yay! 200 Veiws!

Next one at either; 250\300 Wait and see it!

Another Random Blog Rewind!

Just as a token gesture realy.

Can you wait for the next? :WARNING: Spoilers Below! :WARNING:


A New Update

I can't find a service for my web page, oh well!


I'm ready to serve!

Test! Test!

^an extract from my, not working, web page.


Well, that went well...

So I have still to find a hosting site, in the mean time;

enjoy this: http://dagobah.biz/flash/know_your_destiny.swf

it's a fun little thing to discribe you as a hero.
dosent sound like much?




What do you think of my new blog design?

Now it's just like my titles!

also I recently learned very basic HTML code, so if I find a good FREE unlimited host site, I'll have a main site!

So, I'm off to find a free host site! I'll put a link in my next update, if you can't find it yet wait a few years, ok?


Hit counter: milestone 1

My hit-Counter reached 100 today!


I recently found the game Trap the cat, try it out, quite addictive game!

'one of my many victorys over the cat!'
It can be ver, very annoying though!